Wholesale Customers
Wholesale oysters from Swinomish Shellfish & Skagit Shellfish are available to be delivered across the USA. We work together to enable access to their delicious, unique shellfish in quantities from 1-100 dozen.
Please send a copy of your reseller’s permit (sometimes called a resale license) and a brief description of what you need (how much, how often, for whom) to yourfriends@salinityseafood.com
Once your reselling ability has been verified, you’ll be given access to the Wholesale Oyster collection below, with discounted wholesale prices. You will also receive a discount code for 10% off the non-oyster items at EatSalinity.com. Shipping charges are added during checkout based on the estimated weight of your shipment. Payment in advance required.
Thursday delivery across the USA. Ships Wednesday from Whidbey Island, WA. Local deliveries (on island only) on Wednesday afternoons. Alternative delivery dates sometimes available.
Order by midnight Sunday for that week's deliveries, or schedule in advance with the notes section in the shopping cart, or set up a subscription (edit anytime) on each of the product pages. Orders can also be emailed to yourfriends@salinityseafood.com
Do you have the wholesale password?
If not, contact Salinity.